Another year has passed and EclipseCon Europe 2018 took place in Ludwigsburg, Germany - and with it, our second edition of a colocated Smart Home Day.
The Smart Home Day was hosted by the openHAB Foundation with Bosch SI, codecentric and Deutsche Telekom as sponsors.
Time flies! The last openHAB release is already more than 5 months old and much has happened since then. It is therefore clearly time to pack and ship all the nice new updates as a stable release: Here comes openHAB 2.3!
Half a year has passed since openHAB 2.1 and I am very happy that we still made it before Christmas, so that you have something nice to play with during the holiday season: openHAB 2.2 is out!
The most obvious change that you will immediately notice is the rollout of our new openHAB logo, which you will now find in all our apps, UIs and websites.
But the functional evolution is of course of much more importance, and a lot has happened in the past months.
While you can find all the details in the official Release Notes, let me highlight a few of those features.
A few months have passed since the initial openHAB 2 release and the community has been incredibly active meanwhile. It is therefore time to push out a new stable release, so here it is: openHAB 2.1!
You can go through the official Release Notes to get a detailed idea of what is in this release, but as usual I will mention some of my personal highlights.
Scott Jenson published a very good article last week, where he nicely showed how far away we still are from the shiny Jetson-like marketing promises about smart homes. He asked us to take a step back so that we can think about the holistic shape of the “right” solution for smart homes. Let’s do so!